The end of the year usually brings with it a lot of lists proclaiming to gather the Best Of something, and in recent years this has increasingly begun to include podcasts. I admit, I always check these lists just like I read tweets and reviews of podcasts, because I like to know what listeners think - but I always end up thinking about how I also want to know what podcasters think. To find out, I went where I always go, social media. I tweeted to the community of history podcasters and asked them to tell me their favorite episode of their own show. Since no one (really, no one) will ever be a harsher critic of a podcast than its creator, and the process of making an episode is very different from the experience of listening to one, a podcaster is bound to have a unique view of their content.
In response to my tweet I received a great array of submissions. I have not vetted the episodes submitted (though, naturally, I said they could not contain anything hateful), nor will I comment on them. My only objective here is to provide you, dear Reader, with a pure list so that you can either find new history podcasts to enjoy or return to episodes you've already heard with a new perspective created by the knowledge that the podcaster loves it. May you listen to many new things and discover all sorts of joys.
And, to the podcasters who tweeted to me with your episodes: thank you for all the hard work you do creating content. I know how hard you work and I am happy to lift you up whenever I have the opportunity.

Podcasters' Favorite Episodes
Abridged Presidential Histories (Abridged Presidential Histories on Twitter) Andrew Jackson 1829-1837
Advent of Computing (AdventofComputing.com) JOVIAL, The Evolution of Programming
Ancient History Fangirl (AncientHistoryFangirl.com) Jenny: Fulvia: Original Gangster of Ancient Rome Genn: Dionysus: Religion of Revolution
Ancient History Hound (AncientBlogger.com) Eclipses in Antiquity
Ballsy History (BallsyHistory.Fireside.fm) Cereal Wars
British History: Royals, Rebels, and Romantics (CarolAnnLloyd.com) Tudor Queens and Coronations
Can't Make This Up History (Can't Make This Up History on Twitter) Hidden Habits of Genius with Craig Wright, PhD
Casting Through Ancient Greece (CastingThroughAncientGreece.com) 300 Against the Sources
The Dad Bod History Podcast (Dad Bod History on Twitter) Historical Bar Fights, I: Who's in Your Five? and II: Ladies Night
Dear World, Love History (DearWorldLoveHistory.com) Jack the Ripper
Deep into History (Deep into History on Twitter) Versus I: The Eagles of Jupiter
Enchanted (EnchantedPodcast.net) A Desirable Disaster
Footnoting History (FootnotingHistory.com) Elizabeth: Cemeteries: Part I, East View Cemetery and Part II, Washington Park Cemetery Christine: Bonapartes in America: Jerome and Elizabeth Lucy: Desert Queens? Women at the Edges of Empire from Hester Stanhope to Gertrude Bell Kristin: The Life and Travels of Newport Gardner Josh: William Miller and the Great Disappointment
The French History Podcast (TheFrenchHistoryPodcast.com) French History Myths with the Fake History Hunter, Jo Teeuwisse
Godward (Godward on YouTube) Josephus on War, Identity, and God's Favor
Halfwit History (Halfwit History on Twitter) Dr. Mae Jemison
Historical AF (HistoricalAFPodcast.com) Ahhhh Real Monsters & Underwater Area 51
History Machine (HistoryMachinePodcast.com) Sulla
History of Sex (HistoryofSexPod.com) The First Intersex in Colonial America
History of the Second World War (HistoryoftheSecondWorldWar.com) HMS Warspite
Human Circus: Journeys in the Medieval World (HumanCircusPodcast.com) Ibn Fadlan 1: From Baghdad with Very Cold Beards
The Imagine Alba Podcast (ImagineAlba.com) A Highland Clearance: The Ballad of Arichonan, Part I and Part II
Long May She Reign (Long May She Reign on Twitter) Sacagawea
MythTake (MythTake.blog) MythTake at the Movies: Wonder Woman
Operation History (Operation History on Twitter) The First Thanksgiving
The Partial Historians (PartialHistorians.com) Livia Drusilla
Plodding Through the Presidents (PloddingThroughthePresidents.com) Gouverneur Morris and the Vampire of Bizarre
Pontifacts (Pontifacts.Podbean.com) Pope Fabian
Scandalous! (ScandalousPod.com) The Affair of the Poisons
Spartan History (SpartanHistoryPodcast.com) In the Footsteps of Heroes
Wittenberg to Westphalia (WittenbergtoWestphaliaPodcast.weebly.com) Softball
